martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014


Asignatura:    NATURAL SCIENCE                        Profesor:   CRISTINA HOLGADO

Título de la unidad          ECOSYSTEMS                                     Curso / Nivel      2º ESO     

One ecosystem is any area that happens to have an specific set of features (living species and physical-chemical conditions) that make it significantly different from its surroundings. Thus, a forest is an ecosystem, but a lagoon or a puddle of water in that forest, are themselves ecosystems too. A city is also an ecosystem: a man-made ecosystem.
The limits of many ecosystems are difficult to define. For instance, a lagoon in a forest can be fed with water from an aquifer that extends throughout an area much bigger than the forest itself, and that also feeds with water the farm-land that surrounds the forest. This way, the lagoon, the forest and the farm-land are connected.Ecosystems are not isolated in Nature: there are connections and transitional areas between them.
We have to describe the following facts:
  • · The set of living species in it, that is, the biocenosis. For instance, in a forest there could be pines, oaks, mice, doves, butterflies, kites, ants…
  • · The set of physical and chemical conditions, that is, the biotope. In a forest: the average temperature in the coldest month, the average temperature in the hottest month, the rainfall rate, the kind of salts that exist in the soil…
  • · The relationships between the living species: the pines holding the nests that doves make, the kites eating the mice, the mushrooms feeding on the fallen leaves…
  • · The relationships between the physical-chemical conditions: how temperatures alter the soil's humidity through evaporation, how wind wears away soil particles…
  • · The relationships between the physical-chemical conditions and the living species: the way in which the animal activity is affected by the day-night cycle, the way in which temperature affects the loss of water vapour by plants through evapotranspiration, the way plants retain the soil particles with their roots and prevent them from being worn away by the wind, the way in which the decomposition of fallen leaves or dead animals adds new salts and minerals to the soil…
The Ecosphere
Every ecosystem can have other ecosystems inside of it. The Earth itself is one ecosystem and comprises all the other ecosystems. The Ecosphere is the name we give to our planet when we think of it as an ecosystem, and it has a biotope and a biocenosis. The biotope of the Ecosphere is made up by the Geosphere, the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere. The biocenosis of the Ecosphere is called Biosphere, and comprises all the living beings of the Earth.
The biomes
If we wanted to split the Ecosphere in the biggest possible ecosystems, we would split it into the biomes. A biome is a large ecosystem made up of all the ecosystems belonging to the same climatic zone. There are, for instance, the tropical rainforest biome, the mediterranean forest biome and the desert biome.

1. Objetivos de aprendizaje
 / Criterios de evaluación

Interpretar y producir con propiedad, autonomía y creatividad mensajes que utilicen códigos artísticos, científicos y técnicos.
Comprender los principios básicos que rigen el funcionamiento del medio físico y natural.
Valorar las repercusiones que sobre el entorno tienen las actividades humanas.
Contribuir activamente a la defensa, conservación y mejora del entorno como elemento determinante de la calidad de vida.
2. Contenido de materia
An ecosystem: biotope and biocenosis.
Factors in an ecosystem: biotic and abiotic.
Relation in the biocenosis.
Trophic levels, food chains and food webs: producers, consumers and decomposers.
Two different types of environment: terrestrial and aquatic.

3. Contenido de Lengua / Comunicación

NOUNS: Forests, biotope, biocenosis, interactions, ecosphere, biosphere, abiotic factors, intraespecific and interespecific relationship.
VERBS: transform, represent, adapt, interprete, carry out.
ADJECTIVES: respectful, local, global, warm, wet, sunny, rich.
PREPOSITIONS: Into, until, upward,
Passive voice, comparatives.
Did you find....?   Look for information ......  Can you spell.....
Can you repeat   May I ........?   Complete this chart with
Find this concept   I agree    I disagree   Connect with linkers
In my opinion this is right   There is/ are    In order to
Look around     Instead of   It could be    If I understand
Tipo de discurso
Descripción, narración.
Destrezas Lingüísticas
Reading, listening and speaking.
4.Contexto  (elemento cultural)
Describir los diferentes entornos naturales cercanos.
Diferenciar los diferentes elementos de cada entorno y reconocer las características de los mismos.
Identificar los seres vivos y otros elementos del entorno.
5. Procesos cognitivos (analizar, sintetizar, etc.)
Analizar la evolución del paisaje.
Sintetizar los elementos que forman el entorno.
6. (a) Tarea (s)
Ejercicios de vocabulario específico con definiciones monolingües.
Realización de mapas conceptuales en los que se relacionan los diversos conceptos.
Preparar presentaciones para el resto de compañeros en formato digital.
Exponer al resto de los compañeros los resultados de pequeñas investigaciones del entorno.
6. (b) Actividades
Describir paisajes, reconociendo los diferentes elementos.
Relacionar los elementos con los diferentes ecosistemas.
Analizar la influencia del clima en los diferentes ecosistemas.

7. Metodología
Organización y distribución en la clase / tiempo

1 h introducción y actividades de inicio.
3 horas de explicación de contenidos con tareas de afianzamiento.
1 h de repaso, resumen.
1 h actividad final
Recursos / Materiales
Videos, presentaciones, fotografías
Competencias básicas
Conocimiento e interacción con el mundo físico
Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital
Ciudadana y social
Aprender a aprender
Autonomía e iniciativa personal
8. Evaluación (criterios e instrumentos)

1.      Learn about basic ecological concepts: population, biocenosis, biotope, biosphere and ecosystem.
2.      Understand that the relationships between a biotope and a biocenosis determine whether or not an ecosystem develops.
3.      Be able to determine the difference between abiotic and biotic factors.
4.      Recognise different intraspecific and interspecific relationships between living things.
5.      Learn the names of the different trophic levels in an ecosystem (producers, consumers and decomposers) and their ecological function.
6.      Know how to draw and interpret food chains and food webs.
7.      Learn about the most important differences between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
8.      Learn about the characteristics and distribution of the most important Spanish ecosystems.
9.      Learn about what positive action we can take to conserve diversity in ecosystems.


Para comenzar la Unidad, veremos un vídeo introductorio:    Is the Earth one big ecosystem?


Look around you and talk about all the things, people and animals that you can see

  • I can see.......through the window
  • There are trees on ........
  • Here it is ....
  • Look, this is a fly ......

Una presentación de los elementos del ecosistema:

Elements of an ecosystem from Cris Holgado

Actividades de andamiaje de recepción de la información y del nuevo vocabulario, y de transformación de la información:

Actividad de andamiaje de producción, incluido el vocabulario:

Para trabajar las cadenas tróficas, trabajaremos la siguiente actividad interactiva:     Actividad Interactiva

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